
SilverFern Voiceovers is Cheryl Graham, a voice-over talent from New Zealand.

As a native of New Zealand, Cheryl has traveled the world—Australia, South Africa, Europe, and Great Britain—in search of diverse cultural experiences. In 1994, she landed feet first on American soil and has since called the USA her home base.

This “seek-and-explore” world traveler has perfected a vocal style that blends British, South African, New Zealand, and Australian influences with an authentic accent that is uniquely her.

Cheryl (aka Victoria Grant) has shared her voice internationally on radio and TV commercials, industrial videos, websites, video games, audio books and on hold phone messages.

For more on Cheryl see extended bio below.

Extended Bio

Cheryl Graham, a.k.a. Victoria Grant, savvy businesswoman, superb vocalist and voice talent, "seek-and-explore" world traveler. A native of New Zealand, Ms. Graham spent the 1970s and early 1980s pursuing a career in sales and marketing by day and then by night transformed herself into a Rock 'n Roll diva fronting a local New Zealand Pop band.
But in 1982, she decided to leave behind the glitz and glamour of her careers and set sail for what she had intended to be a two-year trip around the world. Thirty plus years and a multitude of experiences later, she is still searching out opportunities and riches in every corner of the world, except New Zealand. Her first destination was the east coast of Australia followed by Perth on the opposite end of the continent. Next stop: Mauritius. Located between Western Australia and Africa, this small volcanic island is entirely surrounded by one of the largest unbroken coral reefs in the world. After visiting Mauritius, American author Mark Twain described it as: "God created Mauritius and then the heaven." But even Twain's rave review didn't stop Ms. Graham from setting her sights on distant horizons.

And what better place to land then culturally rich South Africa. While in South Africa, she worked and traveled extensively from the Kruger National Park in the north to Cape Town in the south to the eastern coast along the Indian Ocean near Durban. Crossing the border into Mozambique and traveling up the eastern coast through Tanzania, Ms. Graham reached Kenya only to later push on to Greece before reaching her final destination, London. By this time her New Zealand accent had taken on a South African tinge. In fact, every English bloke thought she was South African!

But language has never been a barrier to Ms. Graham's traveling itinerary. And a variety of jobs in and around London during a ten-year period certainly didn't stop Ms. Graham from continuing her travels throughout Europe. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the gondolas of Venice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the majestic Alps of Austria were just a few of her destinations. But Europe is Europe. And England, well, it just isn't anything like New Zealand or Australia. Without a doubt Ms. Graham would tell you that the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace was unbelievable. What a rush! And as an active participant in the Formula One motor racing circuit and culture while England provided her with a thrill a minute! But can you say, "Homesick?"

Ms. Graham returned to her native land annually to re-shape her accent and eventually her life. But ten years in Great Britain slightly displaced those distinctive New Zealand sounds that once easily rolled off her tongue. Did that alteration in tonality and speaking style stop her from pursuing her life's dream? Not at all. She wasted no time in jumping back into sales and marketing and even re-ignited her singing career. But this time, life had set a different stage. The experience in England produced more than a change in dialect. Enter stage right, two lovely girls who affectionately called Ms. Graham, "Mummy." And what better place to raise two daughters then on the eastern coast of Australia in Queensland. With ten years and thousands of miles behind her, Victoria (Cheryl Graham) had finally found her way back home or close to it. Or so she thought.

But it wasn't long before the itch to travel was more than she could bear. After receiving commercial accolades for her promotional work with Alive Promotions in Brisbane, Ms. Graham decided to make a move to the United States. Throughout the 1990s, she developed her niche as a voice talent with a blend of British, South African, New Zealand, and Australian influences. Her vocal style can be easily adapted to specific client-directed styles plus she also re-writes scripts from American English for other English markets where the American colloquiums may not be easily understood.

One of her biggest cheerleaders and colleagues was the late great Billy Moore, his voice can be heard on the intro of her demo. Cheryl worked alongside of him as his business manager until his passing in 2005.

After 25 years in the US Ms. Graham has become the voice of many major companies worldwide, Cummins Engines, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Formula 1 Grand Prix, Toyota, American Insurance, and is featured in a variety of mediums including narration on industrial videos, on camera and voice-overs on CD-ROMs, and award-winning radio and TV commercials, all with the authentic accent that is uniquely Victoria's!
